Saturday, October 6, 2007

Settling In

I've been negligent. Look for pictures soon from our house party last weekend. And from Cahuita from a few weeks ago.

Meanwhile, I have fallen into habit. Class in the morning, reading (sometimes it more excused if I call it a siesta?!) in the afternoon, gym at night, repeat. I have been attempting to make good on my CR resolutions (gym-ing regularly, studying Spanish), not least of which is cooking! I made some vegetarian enchiladas last week, baked pancakes with strawberries this morning and am having a Nepalese friend come over momentarily to teach me to cook curry tonight!

Have I mentioned that there's a Taco Bell in the mall, an Outback steakhouse not far, and...a Hooters!?! No, I have not and will not be going to any of the above!

1 comment:

Peace Kenyangi Nganwa said...


I'm eavesdropping here... I'll be attending UPeace from the beginning of January (NRSD). Seeing your blog has re-ignited my excitment about the time I'll be spending there. I've already invited friends and family from around the world to visit me!

May I pick your brain about logistical issues please?

I'll check back in a couple of days for your reply.

Have a great day.